Ob besedi PRISTNO se vedno spomnim na blues...tako pristnih čustev kot jo posreduje ta glasbena zvst je po mojem mnenju težko najti. Cdji so iz zbirke, ki se vsak dan širi in širi, saj sva oba z boljšo polovico glasbena antuziasta :)
When I think about word GENUINE I always end up thinking about the blues ... I's really unbelievable how much genuine emotion arises when listening to this kind of music. The CD's on the picture are from my and my better half's wast collection which is growing day by day as we're both music enthusiasts :)
Zahvaljujem se vam za današnji obisk in hvala, ker me podpirate pri projektu s svojemi krasnimi komentarji. Res me ženejo naprej z denva v dan.
Thank you for the visit and all your lovely comments that give me strength to carry on with the project every day.